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Design Company, located in Santa Ana, California, offering various services such as architecture, interior designanimation, advertising, marketing and in addition to professional training: Sketchup, Vray,

Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, etc.

Architecture and Design

The company's flagship is the three-dimensional modeling of architectural designs and the rendering of realistic images. The founding partner, Gabriel Gonçalves, graduated from the School of Fine Arts at UFRJ in Product Design, with a Master's Degree in Computational Methods at the Institute of Nuclear Engineering, and a post-graduate degree in Production Engineering at COPPE. In addition to being a teacher of SketchUp, Vray Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator and Solidworks.


The training courses aim at students and professionals who want to learn how to master the main software in the labor market, which is increasingly competitive. The training of employees in small and large companies is carried out in the space provided by the contracting company. Private tutoring and project aides are the most sought after.

Motion Design

The flagship of the company is the realization of videos, compositions, rendering and videographers in general. We already work for companies such as Globo TV, Tensoflex, Eletrobrás, Criamia, etc. See our videos in our Portfolio.


The company develops and carries out the process of creating a brand with personality and purpose, creating an identification with people, their stories and their causes, promoting good brand experiences, which is the essential key to acquiring new customers.


The creation and manufacture of all the stationery that we use on a daily basis internally, as well as externally, whether with employees, with customers, or in advertising, is a demand that we meet and we understand to be essential for the survival of all company. We develop everything from business cards to banners used in advertising, anything that is printed and needs professional art and work.


Professional training courses are aimed at students and professionals who want to learn how to master the main software in the increasingly competitive job market. Training of employees in small and large companies is carried out in the space provided by the hiring company. Private classes and project assistance are the most sought after.


completed projects




years of experience


international experience


Rendering is the process of generating a photorealistic image from a 3D model. The resulting image is called a render. The scene contains geometry, viewpoint, texture, lighting and shading information. It is mainly used in architectural design and project visualization, and helps to increase efficiency and reduce cost in the project.



Branding é o processo de criar uma percepção forte e positiva de uma empresa, seus produtos ou serviços na mente do cliente, combinando elementos como logotipo, design e um tema consistente em todas as comunicações de marketing.



Printing é o processo de desenvolvimento e impressão do material gerado depois da etapa da criação da marca, podemos chamar de toda a parte de arte para papelaria, como: cartão de visita, folders, banners, cartazes, envelopes, flyers e etc.



Merchandising é qualquer prática que contribua para a venda de produtos a um consumidor de varejo. No nível de varejo na loja, merchandising refere-se à exibição de produtos que estão à venda de uma maneira criativa que atrai os clientes a comprar mais itens ou produtos.

Album Cover.



Album Cover são capas de álbum de música feitas para plataforma de streaming, como Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, Pandora, Instagram/Facebook, Tidal, Tik Tok, etc.




Key Visual, também chamado por KV, é um design usado como referência para toda uma campanha de comunicação. Seu propósito é apresentar quais ideias, fontes e paleta de cores serão aplicadas no projeto.

Motion Design.


Motion Design é um subconjunto do design gráfico, pois usa princípios de design gráfico em um contexto de produção cinematográfica ou de vídeo por meio do uso de técnicas de animação. Os exemplos incluem as vinhetas e os gráficos usados nas sequências de abertura de filmes e televisão, e logotipos de identificação de emissoras de alguns canais de televisão.




A capacitação profissional dos nossos alunos e clientes é um diferencial que sempre tivemos o prazer de trabalhar com excelência. Os melhores e mais poderosos softwares do mercado, que usamos no nosso dia-a-dia de trabalho, são oferecidos treinamentos individuais ou/e em turmas. 

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